Monday, July 25, 2011

In the Community from ACEH July 25


From the Alliance for Cultural and Ethnic Harmony

In the Community: July 25, 2011


"We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future."  Franklin Delano Roosevelt


Herb and Ann Weller

This information is provided by the Alliance for Cultural and Ethnic Harmony; Events list is also posted on the website  If you do not wish to receive it in the future, lease notify or

NOTE: You can view photos from the July 10 Potluck in the Park, learn more about ACEH, answer interesting questions, and see video testimonials at our new Facebook group page: ACEH- Alliance for Cultural and Ethnic Harmony.  If you want to become a member of ACEH, please go to our website and click on Join Us for information, email, or call 392-5086. _______________________________________________________________________


TONIGHT, Mon, July 25, 7 pm:  League of Women Voters-Holland Area forum for Holland City Council candidates for 2nd Ward (ACEH member Victor Orozco, Jay Peters, Jerry Tonini) and at-large (Ron Chavez, Wayne Klomparens, Scott Troeger) seats.  Candidates will give opening and closing statements and answer questions from the audience.  MacMedia will tape and rebroadcast the event.  At Holland City Council chambers, 270 River Avenue, Holland.



Fri, July 29, and Sat, July 30, 9 am to 3 pm: 3rd annual Fundraising Garage Sale to benefit Lakeshore Latino Outreach Center programs.  Shop for clothing, toys, books, furniture, small appliances, dishes, glassware, and more.  New feature this year: Antique furniture and other items.  For information, contact Poema Weller at 499-4872 or email  At One West 5th St, Holland.


Fri, July 29 (4 – 11 pm), Sat, July 30 (11 am – 11 pm), Sun, July 31 (1 – 6 pm): Third annual Summer Music and Ethnic Food Festival sponsored by St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church.  Includes music, children's games, car show, beer tent, auctions, and food from U.S., Mexican, Asian, and Filipino cuisines.  Festival is free; food is for sale; raffle tickets for auction $5 each or six for $25.  At Maple Ave and 13th St, Holland.


Mon, Aug 1, 5 – 8 pm: 20th annual National Night Out: "A Going Away Party for Crime and Drugs": Aims to strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships, generate support for anti-crime programs, etc: Music, kids' games and prizes, pie-eating contest, bingo, hot dogs for first 3,000 people, vintage car show, more.  Sponsored by City of Holland and many local organizations.  At Kollen Park, Van Raalte and 10th at Lake Macatawa, Holland.


Tues, Aug 2, 7 to 10 pm: Continuation of National Night Out "In Your Neighborhood."  First 25 blocks that sign up will get a certificate for free ice cream for their Night Out get-together.  For more information, call City of Holland Ourstreet Office, 355-3139.  Locations: On the street where you live.


Fri, Aug 12, 7 pm (reception); 8 pm (movie): Local premier of the movie "The Help," sponsored by Partners for a Racism-Free Community.  Tickets $20; includes pop, popcorn, refreshments, and $5 donation to PRFC. Contact  At Celebration Cinema South, off the M-6 at Kalamazoo Ave, Grand Rapids.


Mon, Aug 15, 6 pm: DREAM Act Forum: Video, speakers, discussion to inform the community about provisions and impact of the proposed federal DREAM Act, which would provide a structured path to citizenship for undocumented youth brought to the U.S. as children.  At Park Theatre, River Ave between 10th and 11th Sts, Holland.





Sat, July 30, noon: Second annual International Relations Commission (IRC) Friendship Golf Outing: 4-person scramble, $85 per person, includes 18 holes with cart, breakfast burritos, fajita dinner, and prizes.  Contact Erin Nyholt at 355-1321.  At Winding Creek Golf Course, 4514 East Ottogan St, Holland.


Fri, Aug 5, 8 am (check-in), 8:30 am (start):  Third annual Latin Americans United for Progress Golf Outing "Drive for Education," to benefit LAUP's Youth Leadership Development Program.  $100 per golfer; includes lunch and prizes.  Registration form online at or contact Juan Alfaro at (616) 594-7109 or for information.  At Winding Creek Golf Course, 4514 East Ottogan St, Holland.










Friday, July 15, 2011

In the Community from ACEH July 15


From the Alliance for Cultural and Ethnic Harmony

In the Community: July 15, 2011


"People often say that, in a democracy, decisions are made by a majority of the people.  Of course, that is not true.  Decisions are made by a majority of those who make themselves heard and who vote - a very different thing." … Walter H. Judd, physician, member of Congress from Minnesota, 1943-62.

Herb and Ann Weller

This information is provided by the Alliance for Cultural and Ethnic Harmony; Events list is also posted on the website  If you do not wish to receive it in the future, lease notify or

NOTE: You can view photos from the July 10 Potluck in the Park, learn more about ACEH, answer interesting questions, and see video testimonials at our new Facebook group page: ACEH- Alliance for Cultural and Ethnic Harmony.  If you want to become a member of ACEH, please go to our website and click on Join Us for information, email, or call 392-5086.

SECOND NOTE:  "In the Community" will not be published next week—look for it again the week of July 25.




TONIGHT, Fri, July 15, 7 pm: "Standing Up to Injustice Against Transgenders," by Rachel Crandall, executive director of Transgender Michigan, and her spouse, Susan Crocker.  Sponsored by PFLAG/Holland Lakeshore (Parents, Families and Friends of Gays and Lesbians).  At Grace Episcopal Church, 555 Michigan Ave, Holland.


Thurs, July 21, 5 pm: "Olives for Hope": Middle Eastern fundraiser dinner and silent auction.  Suggested donation: Adults $25; youth 12 and under $15; under age 3, free.  Meza (appetizers) at 5 pm, dinner at 6 pm.  Fundraiser is to support a service trip to Palestine, where a person will travel to the West Bank, live there for 6 months, and work with Paidia International Development (, which engages youth in ethical leadership development "empowering them to transform themselves and their communities through experiential education."  RSVP by July 19 at or (616) 805-2442.  At Trinity United Methodist Church of Grand Rapids, 1100 Lake Drive SE, Grand Rapids.


Mon, July 25, 7 pm:  League of Women Voters-Holland Area forum for Holland City Council candidates for 2nd Ward (Victor Orozco, Jay Peters, Jerry Tonini) and at-large (Ron Chavez, Wayne Klomparens, Scott Troeger) seats.  Candidates will give opening and closing statements and answer questions from the audience.  MacMedia will tape and rebroadcast the event.  At Holland City Council chambers, 270 River Avenue, Holland.



Sat, July 30, noon: Second annual International Relations Commission (IRC) Friendship Golf Outing: 4-person scramble, $85 per person, includes 18 holes with cart, breakfast burritos, fajita dinner, and prizes.  Contact Erin Nyholt at 355-1321.  At Winding Creek Golf Course, 4514 East Ottogan St, Holland.





The Lakeshore Latino Outreach Center is planning a summer garage sale fundraiser and seeks donations of items for the sale.  Donations, which are tax-deductible, can be dropped off at the LLOC office at 19th and Columbia Mon-Thurs from 9 am to 5 pm (call first: 499-4872).  Arrangements can be made for LLOC to pick up larger items, such as furniture.




  The Lakeshore Ethnic Diversity Alliance is holding a women's 2-day Institute for Healing Racism on Thurs, July 28, and Fri, July 29, from 8 am to 5 pm at the Hope College Martha Miller Center, Room 241, 10th and Columbia Ave, Holland.  The 2-day dialogue will explore "the history, current realities, and perpetuating factors of racism as well as tools for change."  Cost is $125; financial hardship scholarships are available.  Call (616) 846-9074 or email













Monday, July 11, 2011

In the Community from ACEH July 11


From the Alliance for Cultural and Ethnic Harmony

In the Community: July 11, 2011


"We can never get a re-creation of community and heal our society without giving our citizens a sense of belonging."  … Patch Adams, U.S. physician, social activist, and author.

Herb and Ann Weller

This information is provided by the Alliance for Cultural and Ethnic Harmony; Events list is also posted on the website  If you do not wish to receive it in the future, lease notify or

NOTE: You can view photos from the July 10 Potluck in the Park, learn more about ACEH, answer interesting questions, and see video testimonials at our new Facebook group page: ACEH- Alliance for Cultural and Ethnic Harmony.

If you want to become a member of ACEH, please go to our website and click on Join Us for information.

SECOND NOTE:  "In the Community" will not be published next week—look for it again the week of July 23.



TONIGHT, Mon, July 10, 6 pm:  Planning committee for DREAM Act Forum and YES training (an introduction to organizing) later this summer.  For more information, go to  At Midtown Center, Room 210, 16th and Pine, Holland.


Tues, July 12, 6 pm: Summer Cultural Celebration potluck;  friendship and fun with live music and games.  Bring a dish to share; drinks and table service provided.  Sponsored by Christian Reformed Classis Holland Team.  At Graafschaap CRC Church, 5973 Church St, Holland.


Wed, July 13, 11:30 am: Annual Business Connections Committee summer picnic.  Catered BBQ lunch; $12 per person.  The BCC, a part of the Holland Area Chamber of Commerce, "listens actively, supports, and empowers minority- and women-owned businesses."  Register at  At Kollen Park, Van Raalte Ave at 10th St, by Lake Macatawa, Holland.


Fri, July 15, 7 pm: "Standing Up to Injustice Against Transgenders," by Rachel Crandall, executive director of Transgender Michigan, and her spouse, Susan Crocker.  Sponsored by PFLAG/Holland Lakeshore (Parents, Families and Friends of Gays and Lesbians).  At Grace Episcopal Church, 555 Michigan Ave, Holland.


Sat, July 30, noon: Second annual International Relations Commission (IRC) Friendship Golf Outing: 4-person scramble, $85 per person, includes 18 holes with cart, breakfast burritos, fajita dinner, and prizes.  Contact Erin Nyholt at 355-1321.  At Winding Creek Golf Course, 4514 East Ottogan St, Holland.



 Community Action House is presenting 8 classes on Financial Management, starting Wed, July 13, from 6 to 8 pm, continuing through Wed, Aug 30.  Topics include mastering money management, borrowing basics, charge it right, savings, check it out, consumer protection, investment/long-term planning, and insurance.  Photo ID and income verification required; participants must attend all 8 classes to earn a certificate.  Contact Gwen Robles at (616) 738-1170, ext 123.   At Macatawa Resource Center, 665 136th Ave, Holland.




The Lakeshore Latino Outreach Center is planning a summer garage sale fundraiser and seeks donations of items for the sale.  Donations, which are tax-deductible, can be dropped off at the LLOC office at 19th and Columbia Mon-Thurs from 9 am to 5 pm (call first: 499-4872).  Arrangements can be made for LLOC to pick up larger items, such as furniture.




  The Lakeshore Ethnic Diversity Alliance is holding a women's 2-day Institute for Healing Racism on Thurs, July 28, and Fri, July 29, from 8 am to 5 pm at the Hope College Martha Miller Center, Room 241, 10th and Columbia Ave, Holland.  The 2-day dialogue will explore "the history, current realities, and perpetuating factors of racism as well as tools for change."  Cost is $125; financial hardship scholarships are available.  Call (616) 846-9074 or email













Tuesday, July 05, 2011

In the Community from ACEH July 5


From the Alliance for Cultural and Ethnic Harmony

In the Community: July 5, 2011


"The realization that we are all basically the same human beings who seek happiness and try to avoid suffering is very helpful in developing a sense of brotherhood and sisterhood; a warm feeling of love and compassion for others." …Dalai Lama

Herb and Ann Weller

This information is provided by the Alliance for Cultural and Ethnic Harmony; Events list is also posted on the website  If you do not wish to receive it in the future, please notify or

ACEH welcomes all to its 13th annual

Potluck in the Park Sunday, July 10


It's party time!  The Alliance for Cultural and Ethnic Harmony invites you, your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and newcomers to West Michigan to its 13th annual Potluck in the Park on Sunday, July 10, from 1 to 4 p.m. in Ransom Park on Holland's north side (See map below).


Please bring a dish to pass, one from your own ethnic heritage if possible; ACEH provides beverages and table service.  Enjoy music by Greg Hulsebos, clay art with Annie Olson, face painting, sack races, bean bag toss, and other games; the always popular piƱata; cultural sharing activities and fellowship. Bring along an extra lawn chair or two, or a blanket.

Come enjoy an afternoon with friends you know and friends you will meet.









Tues, July 12, 6 pm: Summer Cultural Celebration potluck;  friendship and fun with live music and games.  Bring a dish to share; drinks and table service provided.  Sponsored by Christian Reformed Classis Holland Team.  At Graafschaap CRC Church, 5973 Church St, Holland.


Wed, July 13, 11:30 am: Annual Business Connections Committee summer picnic.  Catered BBQ lunch; $12 per person.  The BCC, a part of the Holland Area Chamber of Commerce, "listens actively, supports, and empowers minority- and women-owned businesses."  Register until July 13 at  At Kollen Park, Van Raalte Ave at 10th St, by Lake Macatawa, Holland.


Sat, July 30, noon: Second annual International Relations Commission (IRC) Friendship Golf Outing: 4-person scramble, $85 per person, includes 18 holes with cart, breakfast burritos, fajita dinner, and prizes.  Contact Erin Nyholt at 355-1321.  At Winding Creek Golf Course, 4514 East Ottogan St, Holland.



 Community Action House is presenting 8 classes on Financial Management, starting Wed, July 13, from 6 to 8 pm, continuing through Wed, Aug 30.  Topics include mastering money management, borrowing basics, charge it right, savings, check it out, consumer protection, investment/long-term planning, and insurance.  Photo ID and income verification required; participants must attend all 8 classes to earn a certificate.  Contact Gwen Robles at (616) 738-1170, ext 123.   At Macatawa Resource Center, 665 136th Ave, Holland.




The Lakeshore Latino Outreach Center is planning a summer garage sale fundraiser and seeks donations of items for the sale.  Donations, which are tax-deductible, can be dropped off at the LLOC office at 19th and Columbia Mon-Thurs from 9 am to 5 pm (call first: 499-4872).  Arrangements can be made for LLOC to pick up larger items, such as furniture.




  The Lakeshore Ethnic Diversity Alliance is holding a women's 2-day Institute for Healing Racism on Thurs, July 28, and Fri, July 29, from 8 am to 5 pm at the Hope College Martha Miller Center, Room 241, 10th and Columbia Ave, Holland.  The 2-day dialogue will explore "the history, current realities, and perpetuating factors of racism as well as tools for change."  Cost is $125; financial hardship scholarships are available.  Call (616) 846-9074 or email