In the Community November 19, 2012
A Weekly Calendar of Diversity Events
From The Alliance for Cultural and Ethnic Harmony
"Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true
measure of our thanksgiving." … W. T. Purkiser (1910-1992), writer,
scholar, preacher in Church of the Nazarene.
Best Wishes to All for a Wonderful Thanksgiving!
Have you used "In the Community" to find out about or publicize
diversity and multicultural events in West Michigan? If you have, we
hope you will consider joining ACEH or renewing your membership.
Memberships support this email and all the other ACEH activities. The
dues are $20 a year ($35/two years) for an individual; $30 a year
($50/two years) for a family; $40 for nonprofits; $75 for businesses.
It's easy to do—here's how:
--You can pay through the secure Pay Pal system at this updated link
--Or you can send a check to ACEH, c/o Treasurer Bin Lim, Box 3007,
Holland 49422-3007,
--Or you can sign up any ACEH meeting or social event. THANKS!
ACEH was founded in Holland in 1999 and is committed to justice, equal
opportunity, cross-cultural understanding, and appreciation for
diversity. Members and friends work together through programs,
outreach, advocacy, and social events to make West Michigan a place
where all people are welcomed and respected. "In the Community" is also
on the ACEH website:
Sat, Dec 8, 5 pm: Annual ACEH Holiday Potluck and Cultural Sharing
Party. Please bring a dish to share from your heritage and a
nonperishable item for a local food bank; ACEH provides beverages and
table service. Music, art activities, entertainment, auction of goods
and services—lots of fun for the whole family. Everyone is welcome.
At First United Methodist Church, 57 West 10th St (use 9th Street
entrance), Holland.
Volunteers are needed for set-up Dec. 7 and as greeters, food table
managers, and clean-up crew Dec. 8. Can you help with one of these?
Please contact or call (616) 396-2201.
Tues, Nov 27, 7 pm: Documentary film "Education under Fire," about
civil rights violations of the Iranian Baha'i community in their
establishment of an alternative university for Baha'i students. Panel
discussion follows. Film sponsored by Amnesty International; event
presented by Baha'i community of Holland. For information, call (616)
610-2504. At Herrick District Library, 300 S. River, Holland.
Wed, Nov 28, to Wed, Dec 19, 6 pm-8 pm: Four-week workshop for
First-Time Homebuyers. Free; must provide photo ID; income
verification for household; and attend all four sessions to earn a
certificate. Includes budgeting and property taxes; credit and
affordability; real estate and home inspections; mortgages and
insurance. Presented by Community Action House. To register online,
go to Contact Andrea Fantin
at (616) 738-1170, ext. 113 or Gwen Robles (616) 738-1170, ext. 123.
At Macatawa Resource Center, 665 136th Ave, Holland.
Fri, Nov 30, 11 am: Tiempo de Cuentos en Español (Spanish story hour),
with stories, songs, and crafts. At Herrick District Library, 300
South River, Holland.
Tues, Dec 4, 4 pm to 5:30 pm: Poster presentation by Hope College
Phelps Scholars' First-Year Seminar students, who conducted group
research projects on topics related to Culture, Control (i.e., social
power), and Community. More than 100 students will present 30 posters
on their work. Open to the community. Free. At Maas Auditorium, Hope
College, Columbia at 11th St, Holland.
Fri, Dec 14, 8 pm: 5th annual holiday concert "It's a Colorful Season"
by the West Michigan Gay Men's Chorus, with guest soloist soprano Diane
Penning. Dedicated to the memory of Gerry Crane, Byron Center music
instructor and last conductor of the West Michigan Gay and Lesbian
Community Chorus, who died in 1997. Tickets $20 at At
East Grand Rapids Performing Arts Center, East Grand Rapids High
School, 2211 Lake Dr SE, Grand Rapids.
Through Dec 1: Revolution! Testimonos de una Guerra ("Testimony of a
war"): Vintage photographs creating memories of a decade of armed
conflict that gave birth to the Mexican Constitution of 1917. Made
available in Holland by the Holland Area Arts Council and the Mexican
Consulate in Detroit. At Holland Area Arts Council, 150 East 8th St,
Through Dec 31: Tenemos una voz ("We have a voice"). Adelante youth
art and writings, supported by Latin Americans United for Progress
(LAUP). At Holland Museum, 31 West 10th, Holland (closed Tuesdays).
After-Hours Job Fair: Tues, Nov 20, 4 pm to 7 pm. Staffing Inc is
hiring for machine operators, assembly, industrial cooks, material
handlers, extrusion operators. Call (616) 396-6712. At 90 West 8th
St, Holland.
Hope College seeks applications for various jobs, primarily part-time
and/or temporary openings, including operator/dispatchers, campus
safety officers, receptionist, IT developer, and more. Go to the
website for job descriptions and application instructions:
The Youth Advisory Committee of the Community Foundation of the
Holland/Zeeland Area is accepting applications for mini-grants of $100
to $500 that engage youth in community service projects that better the
Holland/Zeeland area. Any students of a classroom, school club, or
youth-serving community organization in grades 6-12 can apply; all
applications must be written by students and submitted by 5 pm, Friday,
Nov 30. See detailed guidelines and application form at
For questions about the program, contact Elizabeth Kidd at or (616) 396-6590.
The city has a variety of Neighborhood Improvement Programs, including
citywide block grants for home rehab, Central Neighborhood District
enhancement program, Ourstreet Target Area programs (home improvements,
design assistance, home purchase and rehab), and also works with
nonprofits in support of their programs and actions to improve the
city. Call Sue Harder at (616) 355-3139 or Joel Dye (616) 355-1365. City Hall, 270 South River Ave, 3rd floor.
The Holland Human Relations Commission is accepting nominations for its
2012 Social Justice Awards in the categories of housing, education,
employment, government/community relations, and youth (for ages 13 to
19). The deadline for submitting nominations is Friday, Dec 7. For
information, contact Al Serrano at or call
(616) 355-1322.
EMBRACE: A social opportunity for women with disabilities, sponsored by
ATLAS and meeting on the third Tuesday of each month from 3 to 4:30 pm.
All are welcome regardless of background or belief, "knowing that our
diversity is what makes our community great." Café at City on a Hill
will be open at 5 pm for those who want to stay for dinner ($5 meal
donation if able to contribute). Call Claire Bos at (616) 748-6017,
ext 2018, or email for information or to confirm
plans to attend. At ATLAS, 100 South Pine, Suite 125, Zeeland.
--Depression Bipolar Support Alliance, 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 1 pm
--Mental Health Strategies Group, Thursdays at 10 am
--Women's Group, Fridays at 10 am
All groups are free and open to adults with mental illness. All meet
at Holland Drop In Center, 636 Hastings Ave, Holland. (616) 355-2207; or Check website
for free mental health resources.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
In the Community from ACEH November 19
Posted by
11/18/2012 06:16:00 PM
Monday, November 12, 2012
ACEH In the Community for Nov 12 12.doc
I'm sending this out in Ann's absence. Hope it works. If not, let me know, please. Herb Weller
Posted by
11/12/2012 11:13:00 AM
Sunday, November 04, 2012
In the Community from ACEH November 5
In the Community November 5, 2012
A Weekly Calendar of Diversity Events
from The Alliance for Cultural and Ethnic Harmony
"Every citizen of this country should be guaranteed that their vote matters, that their vote is counted, and that in the voting booth, their vote has a much weight as that of any CEO, any member of Congress, or any President." …California Senator Barbara Boxer (1940 - )
Have you used "In the Community" to find out about or publicize diversity and multicultural events in West Michigan? If you have, we hope you will consider joining ACEH or renewing your membership. Memberships support this email and all the other ACEH activities. The dues are $20 a year ($35/two years) for an individual; $30 a year ($50/two years) for a family; $40 for nonprofits; $75 for businesses.
Have you used "In the Community" to find out about or publicize diversity and multicultural events in West Michigan? If you have, we hope you will consider joining ACEH or renewing your membership. Memberships support this email and all the other ACEH activities. The dues are $20 a year ($35/two years) for an individual; $30 a year ($50/two years) for a family; $40 for nonprofits; $75 for businesses.
It's easy to do—here's how:
--You can pay through the secure Pay Pal system at this updated link
-- Or you can send a check to ACEH, c/o Treasurer Bin Lim, Box 3007, Holland 49422-3007,
--Or you can sign up any ACEH meeting or social event. THANKS! GRACIAS!
ACEH was founded in Holland in 1999 and is committed to justice, equal opportunity, cross-cultural understanding, and appreciation for diversity. Members and friends work together through programs, outreach, advocacy, and social events to make West Michigan a place where all people are welcomed and respected. "In the Community" is also on the ACEH website:
TONIGHT, Mon, Nov 5-Sat, Nov 10, 7:30 pm: Film, "Where Do We Go Now?" Comedy/drama about Lebanese women trying to ease religious tensions between Christians and Muslims in their village. As civil strife engulfs the country, the women use various means, to varying success, to keep their men in the dark by sabotaging the village radio and destroying the village TV. In Arabic; English subtitles. PG-13; 110 minutes. At Knickbocker Theatre, 86 East 8th St, Holland.
Tues, Nov 6, 7 am-8 pm: Election polling places are open. Your VOTE is your VOICE.
Thurs, Nov 8, 7:30 pm: A.J. Muste Memorial Lecture, with Dr. Glen Stassen, author and Professor of Ethics at Fuller Theological Seminary, who developed "Just Peacemaking" theory in ethics on the question of war. Commemorates the life and work of A. J. Muste, a Hope alumnus who became a "tireless activist" for peace and justice. At Winants Auditorium, Graves Hall, 263 College Ave at 11th St, Holland.
Sat, Nov 10, 2 pm (NOTE new time/place this month): ACEH general meeting in collaboration with the Holland Museum for a presentation of "Speak Now," a documentary film by Mas Adelante youth of Latin Americans United for Progress (LAUP) who interviewed local residents about their experiences in West Michigan. Student producer Yadah Ramirez, an ACEH youth advisor, will answer questions following the film. Open to the public, everyone is welcome. At Holland Museum, 31 West 10th St, Holland.
Mon, Nov 12, 7 pm: "Raising Children without Racism," by Faye Richardson-Green of Steelcase, Inc and Alan Headbloom, Headbloom Cross-Cultural Communications; includes talking to your children about race, attitudes, and culture; reflecting on personal bias; age-appropriate conversation. Sponsored by Partners for a Racism-Free Community. $15. Register at (616) 466-6187. At Bethlehem Church, 250 Commerce SW, Grand Rapids.
Tues, Nov 13, 11:30 am: Lunch and Learn Series: "Raising Children without Racism." $25. Register at (616) 466-6187. See Nov. 12, above for information and location.
Wed, Nov 14, 6 pm: Native Heritage Program: "Kill the Indian, Save the Man—How American Indians Survived," by activist and editor of the award-winning Native News Network Levi Rickert. The story of how Native Americans survived the Indian boarding schools era, relocation of American Indians to cities, and the resurgence of the American Indian culture. Presented by Office of Multicultural Education, Hope College. At Fried-Hemenway Auditorium, Martha Miller Center, Columbia and 10th, Holland.
Sat, Nov 17, 7 pm: Performances "Images: A Reflection of Cultures," sponsored by Hope College Office of International Education. At Knickerbocker Theater, 86 East 8th St, Holland.
Sat, Dec 8, 5 pm: Annual ACEH Holiday Potluck and Cultural Sharing Party. Please bring a dish to share from your heritage and a nonperishable item for a local food bank; ACEH provides beverages and table service. Music, art activities, entertainment, auction of goods and services—lots of fun for the whole family. Everyone is welcome. At First United Methodist Church, 57 West 10th St (use 9th Street entrance), Holland
The Youth Advisory Committee of the Community Foundation of the Holland/Zeeland Area is accepting applications for mini-grants of $100 to $500 that engage youth in community service projects that better the Holland/Zeeland area. Any students of a classroom, school club, or youth-serving community organization in grades 6-12 can apply; all applications must be written by students and submitted by 5 pm Friday, November 30. See detailed guidelines and application form at For questions about the program, contact Elizabeth Kidd at or (616) 396-6590.
--Depression Bipolar Support Alliance, 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 1 pm
--Mental Health Strategies Group, Thursdays at 10 am
--Women's Group, Fridays at 10 am
All groups are free and open to adults with mental illness. All meet at Holland Drop In Center, 636 Hastings Ave, Holland. (616) 355-2207; or Check website for free mental health resources.
West Michigan Plumbers, Fitters and Service Trades Local #174 will accept applications for apprenticeship from Nov 26- Dec 7, for persons interested in becoming a plumber, pipefitter or HVACR service technician. Apply in person at 1008 O'Malley Dr, Coopersville, 8 am- noon or 1 to 5 pm with your high school diploma or GED, driver's license or state ID; must pass math and mechanical aptitude tests given at time of application. Ten new apprentices will be accepted after applications and interviews. Call Ryan Bennett at (616) 837-0222, ext. 13.
Through Dec 31: Tenemos una voz ("We have a voice"). Adelante youth art and writings, supported by Latin Americans United for Progress (LAUP). At Holland Museum, 31 West 10th, Holland (closed Tuesdays).
Posted by
11/04/2012 06:08:00 PM
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