Monday, November 13, 2006

In the Community from ACEH Nov 13

“The love of our neighbor in all its fullness simply means being able to say, ‘What are you going through?’”  ...Simone Weil

Herb and Ann

This information is provided by the Alliance for Cultural and Ethnic Harmony (ACEH).  If you do not wish to receive it in the future, please contact or  Events List is also posted on the ACEH website,


--A bone marrow drive will be held  Saturday, November 25, from 12:30 to 3 pm at St. Francis de Sales Church, 171 West 13th St. (13th and Maple), Holland, to add more people to the National Marrow Donor Program.  The drive is open to people between ages 18 and 60 who meet health guidelines, fill out a form, and give a small blood sample, and who are willing to donate to any person in need. Minority donors, especially Hispanics, are urgently needed.  For information or to sign up, call 616) 399-4612 or email; also see


--The Asian Health Outreach Foundation has opened a clinic at Browning Claytor Clinic, 1246 Madison SE in Grand Rapids on Wednesday afternoons for Asians and Pacific Islanders who have little or no health insurance and need medical attention. Volunteers include Asian doctors, people who can help clients process claims and paperwork, and persons who speak English,  Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Filipino, and Indian dialects.  Call Minnie Morey at (616) 481-6194 if you or someone you know needs an appointment or information.



Wed., Nov. 15, 7 to 8:30 pm: Pacific Connections: Six Hope College students speaking about what they discovered after living on both sides of the ocean—similarities and distinctions between Western and Eastern cultures.  Sponsored by Hope’s International Relations Club, Asian Perspective Association, and Phelps Scholars. At Schaap Science Center 1000, College Ave. at 11th St., Holland.


Thurs., Nov. 16, 11:30 am to 1:30 pm: Soup for All lunch; fundraiser for Ottawa Area Housing Coalition for homeless prevention endowments at Holland/Zeeland and Grand Haven Area community foundations.  Cost is $10. At Holland Civic Center, Pine Ave. at 8th and 9th Sts., and St. Patrick’s Church, 920 Fulton, Grand Haven


Fri., Nov. 24 to Dec. 2, 7 and 9 pm (Nov. 30, 9 pm only):  Film, “Crossing Arizona,” a documentary about immigration in the southwest.  Prizewinner at Holland’s Tulipanes festival in September.  At Knickerbocker Theatre, downtown 8th St., Holland.


Wed., Nov. 29, 7 pm: Vali Nasr, an expert on the Islamic world and Muslim politics, speaking on “The Many Faces of Islam: Conflict, Faith and Politics.”  Free; limited seating.  At Grand Rapids Community College Technology Center, Fountain and Ransom Sts., downtown Grand Rapids. 


Sat., Dec. 2, 5:30 pm: Holiday potluck and cultural sharing event sponsored by the Alliance for Cultural and Ethnic Harmony.  Open to all, bring a dish to pass, and an item for a local food bank.  Table service and beverages provided by ACEH.  Activities for children.  At  First United Methodist Church fellowship hall,

57 West 10th St., Holland (please use 9th St. entrance).