In the Community March 26, 2012 A Weekly Calendar of Diversity Events from The "If one really wishes to know how justice is administered in a country, one does not question the policemen, the lawyers, the judges, or the protected members of the middle class. One goes to the unprotected--those, precisely, who need the law's protection most!--and listens to their testimony." …James Baldwin (1924-1987), American social critic, novelist, playwright, poet; in "The Price of the Ticket." ACEH was founded in Please help support ACEH. Dues are $20 a year ($35/two years) for an individual; $30 a year ($50/two years) for a family; $40 for nonprofits; $75 for businesses. You can pay at the website with PayPal, or send a check to ACEH, c/o Treasurer Bin Lim, Box 3007, Holland 49422-3007, or sign up at any ACEH meeting or social event. THANKS! ¡GRACIAS! TONIGHT, Mon, Mar 26, 7:30 pm: "Beyond the 11th: The Power of Humanity," presentation by Susan Retik, whose husband died on 9-11 and who then co-founded a nonprofit organization that provides support to widows in Afghanistan "who have been afflicted by war, terrorism, and oppression." (616) 234-3946. At Spectrum Theatre, Tues, Mar 27, 7 pm: Free public screening of documentary film, "Freedom Riders," in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Riders' struggle to desegregate the bus system in the Deep South; panel discussion with local leaders. Seating is limited; call (616) 331-6777 to reserve. At Celebration Cinema North, Wed, Mar 28, 1 pm: "Race, Ethnicity, and the Hispanic Vote in American Politics," by GRCC assistant professor Heather Forrest. Part of GRCC Social Science Department's Race, Ethnicity and Identity Conference. At Sneden 108, Thurs, Mar 29, 3 pm: "The Japanese-American Experience in World War II," by Professor Yan Bai. Part of GRCC Social Science Department's Race, Ethnicity and Identity Conference. At Sneden 108, Thurs, Mar 29, 4 pm: 14th annual César E. Chávez Lecture: "Dare We Be Human? César Chávez and the Challenge of Christian Humanism," by Edgardo Colón-Emeric, assistant professor of Christian Theology, Fri, Mar 30, Sat, Mar 31, Sun, Apr 1, various times: 3rd annual Sat, Mar 31, 5 to 9 pm (doors open at 4 pm): Cambodian Celebration of Easter and Cambodian New Year. Traditional dance, folk dance, music, skits, food. Open to the public. 392-1014 or Sponsored by Cambodian Fellowship of the Christian Reformed Church. At Evergreen Commons, State St at Tues, Apr 3, 7 pm: Free public screening of documentary film, "Freedom Riders," in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Riders' struggle to desegregate the bus system in the Deep South; panel discussion with local leaders. Seating is limited; call (616) 331-6777 to reserve. At Celebration Cinema South, Wed, Apr 11, 5:30 pm: Senior Recognition and Women of Color Celebration at EXHIBITS · Through Fri, Mar 30: Display honoring César Chávez, presented in a Mexican altar theme and prepared by La Raza Unida of · Through Mon, Apr 2, 9 am to 5 pm: Freedom Riders, a traveling exhibit that documents the story of the 1961 Freedom Riders, a pivotal event in the civil rights movement. Includes photos, newspaper clippings, and audio accounts of eyewitnesses. At Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and Museum, SCHOLARSHIPS, CAREER FAIRS, INTERNSHIPS Website of virtual career fair, open through March 31, connecting job seekers with some 18 companies, colleges, and agencies "for further hiring possibilities." Sponsored by Pepsico Career Day, Wed, April 4, 9 am to 5 pm. Four event locations in Michigan, including Fifth Third BallPark, 4500 West River Dr, Comstock Park (Grand Rapids). The company is seeking full- and part-time merchandisers and warehouse loaders. You must apply online before March 30: and meet hiring criteria before you are accepted for an interview. (Persons who do not have access to apply online before the event will be given an opportunity to apply at the site.) is a statewide website helping to match students seeking internships with employers looking for interns. Internships may be paid or unpaid, depending on the nature of the company or agency.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
In the Community March 26
Posted by
3/25/2012 07:23:00 PM
Monday, March 19, 2012
In the Community March 19
In the Community March 19, 2012 A Weekly Calendar of Diversity Events from The "Perhaps we can bring the day when children will learn from their earliest days that being fully man and fully woman means to give one's life to the liberation of the brother who suffers. It is up to each one of us. It won't happen unless we decide to use our lives to show the way." … César E. Chávez (1927-1993), was an American farm worker, labor leader, and civil rights activist who, with Dolores Huerta, co-founded the National Farm Workers Association, which later became the United Farm Workers. ACEH was founded in Please help support ACEH. Dues are $20 a year ($35/two years) for an individual; $30 a year ($50/two years) for a family; $40 for nonprofits; $75 for businesses. You can pay at the website with PayPal, or send a check to ACEH, c/o Treasurer Bin Lim, Box 3007, Holland 49422-3007, or sign up at any ACEH meeting or social event. THANKS! ¡GRACIAS! TONIGHT, Mon, Mar 19, 6 pm: "Indonesia: Prospects for Prosperity?" by Dr. William Liddle, Tues, Mar 20, 7 pm: Travel film, "The Real World of Tues, Mar 20, 7 pm: Pulitzer Prize-winning author Isabel Wilkerson discusses her book, "The Warmth of Other Suns," the epic story of people's migration from the South to the North, seeking a better life. 2012 Community Reading Project of Herrick District Library and GVSU. At Herrick District Library auditorium, 300 South River, Thurs, Mar 29, 4 pm: 14th annual César E. Chávez Lecture: "Dare We Be Human? César Chávez and the Challenge of Christian Humanism," by Edgardo Colón-Emeric, assistant professor of Christian Theology, Wed, Apr 11, 5:30 pm: Senior Recognition and Women of Color Celebration at EXHIBITS · Through Fri, Mar 30: Display honoring César Chávez, presented in a Mexican altar theme and prepared by La Raza Unida of · Through Mon, Apr 2, 9 am to 5 pm: Freedom Riders, a traveling exhibit that documents the story of the 1961 Freedom Riders, a pivotal event in the civil rights movement. A narrative of the Rides includes photos, newspaper clippings, and audio accounts of eyewitnesses. At Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and Museum, JOBS, INTERNSHIPS, and SCHOLARSHIPS Pepsico Career Day, Wed, April 4, 9 am to 5 pm. Four event locations in Website for Internships: is a statewide site helping to match students seeking internships with employers looking for interns. Internships may be paid or unpaid, depending on the nature of the company or agency. Thurs, Mar 22, 11 am (staging begins at 10 am) to noon: 2012 César E. Chávez Social Justice March and Community Gathering, in partnership with the César E. Chávez Unity Committee. At Potter's
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3/19/2012 04:59:00 PM
Sunday, March 11, 2012
In the Community March 12
In the Community March 12, 2012 A Weekly Calendar of Diversity Events from The "The immigrant's heart marches to the beat of two quite different drums, one from the old homeland and the other from the new. The immigrant has to bridge these two worlds, living comfortably in the new and bringing the best of his or her ancient identity and heritage to bear on life in an adopted homeland." …Mary Patricia McAleese, 8th president of Ireland, serving 1997-2011. ACEH was founded in Please help support ACEH. Dues are $20 a year ($35/two years) for an individual; $30 a year ($50/two years) for a family; $40 for nonprofits; $75 for businesses. You can pay at the website with PayPal, or send a check to ACEH, c/o Treasurer Bin Lim, Box 3007, Holland 49422-3007, or sign up at any ACEH meeting or social event. THANKS! ¡GRACIAS! TONIGHT, Mon, Mar 12, 6 pm: "The Arab Upheaval: Middle East Realignment," by Dr. Graeme Bannerman, Middle East Institute, At Performing Fri, Mar 16, 7 pm: PFLAG meeting, with presentation at 8 pm of "HIV-101" by two people from Sat, Mar 17, noon: 8th annual St. Patrick's Day parade, with Irish dancers, bagpipers. Families and individuals who wear green will be invited to take part by carrying an Irish flag. Other parade entrants must register in advance. Parade-viewers are asked to bring a nonperishable food item for Community Action House; there will be collection bins along the parade route. Sponsored by Curragh Irish Pub and New Holland Brewing Co.; contact them for more information. Start: At Eighth Street Market Place, traveling east on Mon, Mar 19, 6 pm: " Tues, Mar 20, 7 pm: Travel film, "The Real World of Tues, Mar 20, 7 pm: Pulitzer Prize-winning author Isabel Wilkerson discusses her book, "The Warmth of Other Suns," the epic story of people's migration from the South to the North. 2012 Community Reading Project of Herrick District Library and JOBS, INTERNSHIPS, and SCHOLARSHIPS CASA (Children's After-School Achievement) at Latin Americans United for Progress (LAUP) has a paid position for a GED instructor to work one evening per week (possibly more) with clients whose primary language is Spanish. Must commit to at least 5 hours a week for one semester; be fluent in speaking, reading, and writing Spanish; teaching experience helpful. Contact Juan Alfaro, project coordinator, at (616) 594-7109 or Website for Internships: is a statewide site helping to match students seeking internships with employers looking for interns. Internships may be paid or unpaid, depending on the nature of the company or agency.
Posted by
3/11/2012 10:33:00 PM
Sunday, March 04, 2012
In the Community March 5
In the Community March 5, 2012 A Weekly Calendar of Diversity Events from The "Believe nothing…merely because you have been told it…or because it is traditional, or because you yourselves have imagined it. Do not believe what your teacher tells you merely out of respect for the teacher; but whatsoever after due examination and analysis, you find to be conducive to the good, the benefit, the welfare of all beings. That doctrine, believe and cling to, and take it as your guide." Siddhartha Gautama Buddha ACEH was founded in "In the Community" is also on the ACEH website: Please help support ACEH. Dues are $20 a year ($35/two years) for an individual; $30 a year ($50/two years) for a family; $40 for nonprofits; $75 for businesses. You can pay at the website with PayPal, or send a check to ACEH, c/o Treasurer Bin Lim, Box 3007, Holland 49422-3007, or sign up at any ACEH meeting or social event. THANKS! ¡GRACIAS! Mon, Mar 5 – Fri, Mar 9: Asian Awareness Week at TONIGHT, Mon, Mar 5, 6 pm: Sushi Night. Enjoy sushi and make a donation to rebuilding in TONIGHT, Mon, Mar 5, 7 pm: Holland is Ready: meet the new board members and talk about the possibilities of 2012. (616) 422-5047. At Grace Episcopal Church, Tues, Mar 6, 4:30 to 6:30 pm: Asian Food Festival. $5. At Phelps and Cook Dining Halls, Thurs, Mar 8, 11 am: Concert and global coffee hour, featuring Tarim, an ensemble of musicians and dancers from the Cultural Bureau of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of western Thurs, Mar 8, 5:30 pm: "Dutch History in the Early 17th Century," with Nella Kennedy, senior research fellow and official translator, Van Raalte Institute. Free for museum members and volunteers; $5 for general public. At Thurs, Mar 8, 6 pm: Asian Adoption Experience Panel. Robyn Afrik ( Fri, Mar 9, 7 pm: General meeting of the Fri, Mar 9, 7:30 pm: Concert by world-renowned Indian classical artist Ustad Shafaat Khan, who performs the Sitar, Surbuhar, and Tabla. Tickets $10; $7 for seniors and Hope faculty and staff; $5 for ages 18 and under. DeVos ticket office (616) 395-7890. At Knickerbocker Theatre, 86 Sat, Mar 10, 6 pm: Annual international dinner for Rotary Foreign Exchange Students; includes entertainment and auction; raises money for foreign exchange students Rotary hosts in Holland and for U.S. students who go to live in other countries. $15/adult; $10 student; under age 5, free; cost per family will not exceed $50. RSVP to by Friday, March 9. At St. Francis de Wed, Mar 14, 1 pm until 6 pm: Bus tour of JOBS and SCHOLARSHIPS CASA (Children's After-School Achievement) at DeLano Farms, a program of the Kalamazoo Nature Center, seeks summer apprentices, interns, and farm crew personnel. Stipend is paid. Contact Scott Fitzstephens, DeLano Farms manager at Applications taken until positions are flled. Latin Americans United for Progress (LAUP) has a paid position for a GED instructor to work one evening per week (possibly more) with clients whose primary language is Spanish. Must commit to at least 5 hours a week for one semester; be fluent in speaking, reading, and writing Spanish; teaching experience helpful. Contact Juan Alfaro, project coordinator, at (616) 594-7109 or
Posted by
3/04/2012 08:36:00 PM