In the Community: May 13, 2013
A Weekly Listing of Diversity and Multicultural Events
From the Alliance for Cultural and Ethnic Harmony
Do you use "In the Community" to find out about or publicize diversity
and multicultural events in West Michigan? If you do, ACEH can use
your support.
Please consider joining ACEH or renewing your membership. Your dues
help pay for this email and all the other Alliance activities: The
dues are $20 a year ($35/two years) for an individual; $30 a year
($50/two years) for a family; $40 for nonprofits; $75 for businesses.
It's easy--here's how:
--You can pay through the secure Pay Pal system at this updated link
--Or you can send a check to ACEH, c/o Treasurer Bin Lim, Box 3007,
Holland 49422-3007,
--Or you can sign up any ACEH meeting or social event. THANK YOU!
ACEH was founded in Holland in 1999 and is committed to justice, equal
opportunity, cross-cultural understanding, and appreciation for
diversity. Members and friends work together through programs,
outreach, advocacy, and social events to make West Michigan a place
where all people are welcomed and respected. "In the Community" is also
on the ACEH website: Check us out on
Facebook at ACEH - Alliance for Cultural and Ethnic Harmony.
Tues, May 14, 11:30 am-1:30 pm: Film, "Stolen Ground," narrated by Lee
Mun Wah about the "lives and struggles of Asian Americans (also known
as the 'model minority') who face racism and the painful process of
assimilation into the 'american' culture." Discussion facilitated by
Bing Goei. Presented by Partners for a Racism-Free Community. $15,
includes lunch. Register online at or At Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 250 Commerce Ave SW,
Grand Rapids (parking in lot across the street or in church garage).
Thurs, May 16, 9 am: Press conference and information sharing by
several local nonprofits to announce collaboration and enhanced
services for the Urban Core Collective, which works to "increase the
capacity and accessibility of supportive services that address the core
needs of people of color and marginalized families in Grand Rapids."
(616) 299-2677 or At Baxter Community Center, 935
Baxter SE, Grand Rapids.
Thurs, May 16, 5:30 (reception); 6 pm (program and panel discussion):
Community Conversation, to honor 50th anniversary of the Michigan
Department of Civil Rights. Event includes reception and program with
panelists Brian Davis, Alfredo Gonzales, Gail Harrison, Mark Messer to
engage with community leaders and stakeholders about civil
rights-related issues and future MDCR priorities. Open to the public.
The state constitution approved by voters April 1, 1963, was the first
in the nation to create a Civil Rights Commission "charged with
securing equal protection without discrimination." (616) 355-1310. At
Holland City Hall council chambers, 270 South River Ave, Holland.
Fri, May 17, 7 pm: PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays)
meeting. Panel discussion (at 8 pm) by persons who attended the May 16
Michigan Department of Civil Rights event. Open to the public. At
Grace Episcopal Church, 555 Michigan Ave, Holland.
Sat, May 18, 3 pm to 8 pm: Multicultural Festival sponsored by
Holland's International Relations Commission. Magician, dancers,
musicians, other performers, food vendors, information tables, family
fun. ACEH will take part with children's activities. At Kollen Park
(Lake Macatawa), Van Raalte Ave at 10th St, Holland.
Mon, May 22, 6:30 pm: City of Grand Rapids Community Relations
Commission 60th anniversary Celebration Dinner and Awards Gala.
Keynote speaker: Harry Belafonte. Tickets $75. (616) 456-3027. At DeVos Place, 303 Monroe NW, Grand Rapids.
Wed, May 22, 7 pm: Documentary, "Edie & Thea: A Very Long Engagement,"
the "love story behind the ACLU's Supreme Court case challenging the
Defense of Marriage Act." Members of the litigation team will provide
insider context on the case. Presented by American Civil Liberties
Union of Michigan. Tickets $10 at or Saugatuck
Center for the Arts box office. At Saugtuck Center for the Arts, 400
Culver St, Saugatuck.
The Center for Women in Transition assembles May Baskets of household
cleaning products and personal care items for its clients. Bring
contributions to CWIT at 411 Butternut weekdays 9 am-5 pm or Thursday
until 7 pm, through the end of May. Questions?
The Lakeshore Ethnic Diversity Alliance seeks people for its Migrant
Mentoring Program, which matches community volunteers with a migrant
child to meet weekly for the duration of the family's seasonal
residence," improving academic achievement, developing cross-cultural
connections, and reducing the isolation of the migrant community." Go
to program for more
information and an application form.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
In the Community from ACEH May 13
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5/12/2013 10:32:00 PM